Educational Visit 2023 – Rehabilitering

Educational Visit 2023 - Rehabilitation

Dette års Educational Visit havde emnet rehabilitering. Vi havde inviteret 10 ph.d. studerende og postdocs til Center for Viden om Gigt på Dansk Gigthospital, hvor vi havde lavet et spændende program, som de skulle følge i fire intense dage. Formålet med besøget var at vise de studerende, som er vores kommende kollegaer, hvordan vi arbejder med rehabilitering og forskning på Dansk Gigthospital. Under opholdet havde vi interne og eksterne oplæg og muligheden for, at de studerende kunne få lov at få lavet en kort film om deres forskning. Se med længere nede. 

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Educational Visit 2023 - Rehabilitation

De studerende var repræsenteret fra følgende lande: Italien, Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Tyrkiet og Østrig.

Deltager 1
Thank you very much for this opportunity! I gained new knowledge and feel very inspired to conduct more research in the field of RMDs and look forward to collaborating with other PhD students in the future.
Deltager 2
This visit exceeded my expectations. I was transfixed by seeing the Danish Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases. It is such an excellent centre. Moreover, the scientific content of the visit, the great networking and the attention put in by the organisers made this experience a blast that I’d recommend to all HPRs.
Deltager 3
Deltager 3
The visit was very nice. The place, people and contents were just perfect! I would totally recommend this experience to young researchers, as me, who wants to get in touch with other researchers and with a clinical reality that promotes interdisciplinary rehabilitation care.